


汽水送萬樂珠 幾乎爆胃 真人實驗玩出禍 十秒噴穿胃粘膜

汽水送萬樂珠 幾乎爆胃 真人實驗玩出禍 十秒噴穿胃粘膜



只剩下英文 Reading

今天,幾乎考完 SA,只剩下英文的閱讀理解。
而今天的英文文法則令我大吃一驚,因為 Part A的題目竟然是在英文書 (Collins Book)裏面的其中一課 (Unit 12),而裏面的內容照抄」!


Amy 字體


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

There was a family, they were poor. A boy called Charlie love to eat "Wonka's Chocolate" very much.

One day, Mr Wonka who make those “Wonka’s Chocolate” gave out a poster, it said, “I have give out 5 golden tickets, if 5 lucky children get one, they can go to my factory and get a secret present.”

Charlie wanted the ticket very much, so he use his less money to buy one, but it didn’t get one golden ticket.

One day, Charlie found a fifty pence in the street. So, he took it away and went to a shop and bought one “Wonka’s Chocolate Bar”. When he opened the wrapper, and the last golden ticket appeared! Charlie went home with his happy and told his parents. Charlie’s grandpa will took him to the factory.

In the factory, many interesting things, like the Oompa Loompas who are dwarf and the long chocolate river continued to appear in Charlie’s sight. But another forth children graduate left because they didn’t obey Mr Wonka’s rules respectively.

Last, it just left Charlie and his grandpa and Mr Wonka, so Mr Wonka led them to a lift and went up to the sky. They saw the forth children were leave the factory sadly. Mr Wonka asked where Charlie lived, and the lift fell down quickly. Mr Wonka told Charlie that he would become the master of the chocolate factory.

When they fell down into their house, Charlie told his relative all the things, include what happened in the factory; Charlie would be the master of this factory… His grandmother asked Charlie, “Will there have things to eat?” Charlie answered, “You just wait and see!”






今日考完中文同英文寫作啦!最難個啲試都考完 Lu!


細心關懷 女警勸服企跳婦

"細心關懷 女警勸服企跳婦"

那時, 我正在走過 "金錢" (像金錢狀的) 看見很多警員在家附近. 這樣我才發現有個女人坐在窗台頂, 我想她想跳樓. 但由於我很趕時間, 所以我要先走.


25 - 05 - 2008 既日誌















24 - 05 - 2008 既日誌






The Firebird

Once upon a time, Prince Ivan and his sister Katooshka lived with their father, the Tsar. The Tsar has some golden apples, but one night, the golden apples were all stolen by a Firebird!

So, the Tsar told Prince Ivan to find the Firebird. On the way, Prince Ivan met a Princess, Vasilisa and a wolf. They all helped Ivan to find the Firebird.

When they found the Firebird, they came back to the castle. But Katooshka gave Vasilisa and his brother two golden apples for them to eat, Vasilisa and Ivan died! Fortunately, the Firebird let them revived.

Last, Katooshka be the pedlar because it was Tsar's punishment. Ivan and Vasilisa are the pedlars too!

Story From: Firebird, Other Story



本來今日應該係一個好日子 (因為有ruby打), 但係o係ruby堂預備打比賽嘅時候, 只係帶咗啲黃色Tag帶, 無帶綠色Tag帶。就係咁, 我地比ar sir 駡到發夢。
之後, 我同學唔見咗個銀包。為咗件事, 我同學喺到勁喊。

好彩今日唔係好多工課 ^_^



昨天, 我o個班o既中文堂無o左成45分鐘! 點解? 因為我o地中文個何老師忙住我地班o既升中事件, 話: "我以為今日係星期三, 第三堂先上中文。" 又話: "你o地應該o係打鐘之後5分鐘去教員室揾我, 而唔係打落堂鐘之前5分鐘先去教員室揾我。" o係嗰45分鐘, 我做咗功課同埋睇書。
呢啲 "自由時間" 需然好, 但換來o既卻係被老師罰。老師罰我o地寫 "悔過書" , 我咁大個人都係第一次寫!
希望呢次o既經歷可以 "經一事, 長一智"。


Yeah! ... Oh ...

但係有一大堆 homework 等我去做! (救我)
真慘 ~

Summary of The Twits (Roald Dahl)

Once upon a time, there was a couple of twit, Mr and Mrs Twit. They always trick each other.
They will eat "Bird Pie" everyday, they will use the super glue to glue on a big dead tree, and many birds will sit on the tree, so Mr Twit can get them easily. But one day, their monkeys saw a bird knew English, so they told the bird to told those bird that want to sit on the tree, "Don't sit on the tree!" At last, the monkeys told the English bird to trick Mr and Mrs Twit back!
The story is very funny!


Sport Day

Today is the Sport Day! We expect this day long time ago!
When we arrived at Siu Sai Wan Sport Ground, some rain was coming down! We cold at the thought that we couldn't continue the competition, but we were so lucky that the competition can go on...
First, we sang our school song and listened to the guest's speech. Second, the competition started!!!
I joined 200 meters, 100 meters and long jump. But I just won the champion of long jump, I have jumped 3 meters only ~_~ After that, we have a girls relay, we have won the 2nd class in 0.13 second. The 2nd of the forth classmate ran very fast, as fast as a rocket!!! Fortunately, we were still the champions. Then, we got a friendship of school's relay. I thought that we can win the 3rd, but the faster one who runs said she is sick. So, we could just find another classmate to run. Last, we got the 4th, I am so disappointed -_-
At last, we exited the sport ground. It is a beautiful memory for my graduate.

~_~ 22nd April, 2008 ~_~

Today, we got a drama class. The teacher praised me my act is good, I was happy!!! And tomorrow is the sport day, our class have already prepared a slogan. But sorry, I forget the slogan so I can't tell you ^_^!

One of the teacher told us, we couldn't take potato chips, many sorts of waste food, we could just taken some biscuit, bread or candy. When we heard that, our classmate was very disappointed. You think about it, waste food is yummy for us, if we can't eat them, I think we won't have enough spirit to win the CHAMPIONSHIP!



今日我去咗我個 friend 嘅 Blog

P.6 Graduation Camp (not Concentration Camp)

During 7th April to 9th April, our school’s primary 6 to Lady MacLehose Holiday Village (麥理浩夫人度假村) and have the graduation camp. I expected this camp long time ago.

The first day, we distributed the room. After that w played some bored but meaningful games. At night, one of our classmate cried because she wanted to see mum, we comforted her. We said she was homesick (思鄉病).

The second day, we played a game called “Millionaire of Life”, it let me knew that how to build up my future. I have just earned 50 dollars and a half of university. This night, we showed our drama, I think we act quit good. Suddenly, our class teacher came out and acted a drama, we were curiosity, and so we watched their drama happily. Last, the teachers shared the feelings after they taught us. Many people cried (but I didn’t)!!!

The last day, after we ate our breakfast, I walked around the village and I played their installations. When I’m walking around the village, I saw some teachers were playing tennis and “搞爛gag”, they (the jokes) made me laugh happily ^_^

At last, we went back to our school.



囧完又囧, 點話都係個囧字


Animated gif




The Assessments are finish

The assessments are finish! I have already finished my assessments! So happy ^_^


Magistracy Court

On 14th February, 2008, my father, my sister and I went to Sai Wan Ho because my father wanted me to know the hearing procedure in the Magistracy Court. He wanted to know the feelings of me about the magistracy.
Some suspect didn't have facial expression, some suspect cry, some of them cried loudly. Some of them were a little bit crazy, but many of them were quite. One of the suspect cried, "Mum, dad, can you give me one more chance, please!" She repeated many times, but the police got her down because the magistracy needed to rule another case.
After I went to the court, I thought I won't be the suspect.

Lamma Island

On 8th February, 2008, my family went to Lamma Island with my cousins and their friends. My sister always do not take care of our cousins, but this time, she said something to them because my father said that if she didn't take care of our cousins, she couldn't play NDS!
We arrived Lamma Island, my cousins took his dog out and used the thing which can follow the dog. My sister wanted to play with them, so she got the dog and followed them. One of them was strong and always jump onto the children whose hight was same and the dog whose bigger than it!
At last, we went home happily and played our NDS.


The Service

Yesterday was my school's holiday, I went to my school and gathered my classmate. Why I have to go to school in the holiday? It is because we need to do a C.S' project, we need to service some need helps person. And we want to go to my grandpa's house.
When I entered my school, I saw two classmates was waiting for another classmate, I opened the school gate, so they saw me, they told me one classmate need to come here not so fast, so we waited. When all my group member came, we found Mr.Dai because he dated us. We entered our classroom - 6B. The classroom was very clean after the 'Ms Cleaning's hard-working, the floor was as clean as the new one! We talked about the service, the show, talk ... Then we went to my grandpa's house.
In my grandpa's house, we said 'Happy New Year' to him, he was happy! First, we have the six magic show. Then we asked some questions and talked with him. After that, we ate dumplings together, they are yummy! At last, we cleaned his house, since his house was very dirty, we needed to use more energies to clean it.
I wanted to tell you one question and one answer (to my grandpa) :
Do you happy? Why?
Yes, because I can deliver the red pocket money to you.
This project let me learn many things, like how to clean our furniture, how to help another (not the other one to help you).

^_^ I was happy yesterday ^_^


我們這一家 (Atashin chi the Movie)

Today, I went to Tai Koo with my sister and my mother.
We went to MCL Kong Hill cinema to watch '我們這一家電影版'.
The movie is quite touching but very interesting and funny. '我們這一家' have four main character, they have their own characteristic:
  • 花太太/花師奶 :
    身高164公分,九州人,標準的家庭主婦,人魚頭與香腸嘴是最明顯的外表特徵。個性相當拚命而固執,總是對一些雞毛蒜皮小事極為在意,還會為此和阿柑、阿桔爭論不休。堅持「能省則 省」的原則,十分貪小便宜和討厭浪費,不管是吃的、穿的還是用的都不例外。此外也經常將自己的行為合理化(特別是在被人發現自己言行不一時),特別是喜歡 用一些聽起來很怪的「歪理」來搪塞或為自己辯護,或是裝傻迴避;對於事物的各種情緒和動作反應有時也非常誇張。經常無意中偏袒或較為呵護阿桔,讓阿柑相當 不服氣。不過也經常表現出對爸爸特別在意或包容的心情,偶而亦有感性的一面。

  • 花先生/花老爺 :
    身高175公分,九州人,中年上班族。個性沉默寡言,我行我素,行事作風上有著傳統的大男人風格。平日忙於上班與應酬,對於其他事情總是興趣缺缺,不怎麼 關心。不過,對於媽媽的奇特或誇張行為,卻經常抱持著看笑話的態度,當作娛樂看待,只有在事情影響到自己時,才會突然變得沒有耐性與暴躁。自己不小心出糗 或搞錯某些事情時,總會「哈…哈…哈…」傻笑三聲。有不少怪癖,像是上廁所不關門、酒醉回家後隨便打包家裡的東西準備丟掉…等。不過卻是家中最喜歡懷舊, 也最重視親情的人,經常懷念以前孩子年紀還小時的事情,只是其他家人完全不明白他心裡到底在想什麼。

  • 花帶柑(阿柑) :
    身高155公分,高中二年級學生,由於個子比較矮小的緣故,曾被人誤以為是初中二年級學生。個性十分活潑,大而化之又帶有一點迷糊,有很多天馬行空的夢 想,也很喜歡自己一個人做白日夢。經常因為在一些小事上和媽媽意見相左而鬥嘴,有時也會因為某些事情而被弟弟抱怨。因為喜歡啤啤熊,所以加入了學校裡的「啤啤熊Fans Club」。

  • 花帶桔(阿桔) :

This movie is about :
某個雷電交加的雨天,花師奶和阿柑同時被雷擊中,兩人的身體因此對調!從這天起,花家展開段段不可思議的生活──變成花師奶的「阿柑」,除了每天要跟不熟 習的家務奮戰外,還要適應一個食量驚人、經常午睡的「肥師奶」生活;而變成阿柑的「花師奶」,則快樂地享受著高中生活,在體育堂上大顯身手,還得意忘形地 把球擊向阿柑暗戀的岩木臉上。那邊廂花先生和阿桔,則不斷嘗試能使她們復原的方法……

When I finished watch this movie, I want to have gratitude my parents.It is because they gave me so many things when I was young until now...

Now, you can went to the website to watch the 預告



今日, 我在這裡恭喜大家新年快樂, 身體健康!!!
唔知今年有咩做, 我明天便會去電影院睇電影, 睇我們這一家電影版 , 希望會好好睇!!!


Maisy's Blog

Hello, I have already seen my sister's blog. But her blog don't have many 文章.
But she forgot the Gmail's password ^_^:

Good Book Sharing

I want to share some good books with you. This book is famous, but many juvenile don't read them, the book's author is Louis Cha (金庸).
Louis Cha write books about Wuxia story (
武俠小說). I have just finished one of the books,
"The Giant Eagle and Its Companion (
Louis Cha have many books in any country , the books have translate a lot of language, like English, Japanese, Korean, French, Vitetnamese, Burmese, Indonesian and Thai.
I think that you must read them because they are exciting. Louis Cha's books have many good writing techniques.
You can share another good book to me!



Today, I saw my dad's blog, its just have a little bit thing, but you can see it to!